Hey all, Ben here, making a 4th of July post. Roses First, my second, weee.
First off, I've enabled anon comments, which should help Rose supporters lend their thoughts to the blog. The main reason is so people don't need an account on blogger.com to comment, so if you do anon comment please identify yourself, first name only for security sake. Of course, if you don't want to, thats fine too, we love hearing from you either way. =)
...wow, big bangs behind me...whew...
Anyways, more pi--what the hell is going on back there-- er, pics.

This is a pic from Tiff, showing Roses snazzy aid, one of a pair. Quite dashing, pink suits her ear, but doesn't draw attention to it, very nice.
I know mum, you have been a little upset about her deafness, but honestly, it is a real non-issue, its such a tiny part of a huge personality. And we are working hard to get her an implant, so she will hear. Its not all bad, she doesn't suffer one bit from being deaf. And tonight has shown that it can be a blessing, the big booms didn't bother her at all, and she loves the fireworks.

Second one from Tiff, showing her nifty 4th outfit. She is modeling it quite well I thought, the glint in her eye saying "I'm tiny and cute, love me", and how could you not? Its either that or she is reaching out to throttle daddy for taking so many pictures, who can tell.

This one is from me, I love the look on her face. She devours the world with her eyes and loves every minute. I think this picture shows her curiosity perfectly.

And this....explains the rashes all over the sides of her face...porcupine kisses...
Okies, till next time.