Tiff here. So HOT! Holy guacamole, so so so HOT! The thermometer at the shop up the street says 106 F. That is 41 C! So, we are all spending our time just trying to stay cool. I let rose try chewing on a frozen half a peach for a cold treat. Yummy!
Rose has started to do something pretty exciting to us. She has kinda made up her own sign an is using it to talk to us! She has started to hold her own bottle sometimes, so when I am holding her while she is doing that I stroke her little bald head, which she LOVES! For the last three days, if I stop, she brings her hand up to her head and wiggles her fingers around. It is quite clearly a request to rub her head some more! It's so exciting! It's kind of like a first spoken word! Yay!
I can't wait to tell her early intervention deaf specialist. She will be so pleased. Rose has also been starting to take turns, and that is one of her big goals. Especially when she's playing with Ben. It goes tickle, stop, grunt for more, tickle, stop, grunt for more....and on and on. So cute!
It's so wonderful watching her figure out new things. Babies are awesome! More pictures coming soon, I promise.
Rose has started to do something pretty exciting to us. She has kinda made up her own sign an is using it to talk to us! She has started to hold her own bottle sometimes, so when I am holding her while she is doing that I stroke her little bald head, which she LOVES! For the last three days, if I stop, she brings her hand up to her head and wiggles her fingers around. It is quite clearly a request to rub her head some more! It's so exciting! It's kind of like a first spoken word! Yay!
I can't wait to tell her early intervention deaf specialist. She will be so pleased. Rose has also been starting to take turns, and that is one of her big goals. Especially when she's playing with Ben. It goes tickle, stop, grunt for more, tickle, stop, grunt for more....and on and on. So cute!
It's so wonderful watching her figure out new things. Babies are awesome! More pictures coming soon, I promise.
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