It's Rose, cuter than God himself!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hello. Tiff here. Yesterday we went to see Rose's geneticist. It was a nice reminder to me how very, very lucky we are to have her here and alive and healthy and wonderful. After such a disasterous pregnancy, and coming so close to loosing her, it surprises me how easily I can forget it all. I suppose that there are reasons to forget things like that. A sort of emotional self-preservation mechanisim I imagine. But the drive to the hospital was a familiar reminder of all of the joys and sorrows and surprises we have had with our sweet Rose.

We met with the geneticist to discuss the finding of Rose's DNA tests. For those who aren't aware, Rose's deafness turns out to be genetic, although neither Ben or I have any deafness in our families. It's an autosomal recessive thing, and both Ben and I are carriers. I finally got the answer to my question "how does this make her deaf?". It's incredibly complicated, but it has to do with the flow of calcium through the cells in her cochlea...there isn't any. Apparantly the calcium is what makes the connection between cells, and then re circulates. I wish I could explain it better. But, the good news is that Rose deaf and really small, but otherwise perfect, healthy, and bright. But we knew that, now didn't we!


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