Hi All. Tiff here. Had a few very busy but unremarkable days. Rose is well. She's growing fast lately, which is great because she is pretty tiny. We see other babies her same age and the look gargantuan to us. Rose's pediatritian says it's fine though. She's just little. Her clothes fit for a long time, if nothing else. She finally fits in her 3 month size clothes even though she is 5 months old now!
Wow! 5 months old. Amazing! Time has just flown by. Each day seems to go by in a flash.
Lately Rose has been teething pretty hard. She's scooting all around the floor. She's about 10 minutes from sitting up on her own. She's really into her toys. She's drinking bigger bottles. She's wearing the next size diaper. She's just all about growing. She's even starting to grow a bit of hair. Yes... we are headed to the end of her cueball days. Bald is beautiful, but really better suited to her Grandpa and her uncles (sorry, Patrick, but it's true.).
Speaking of Uncle Patrick, Rose has had a few funny run-ins with him lately. Patrick and his lovely bride, Lindsay came by a few days ago to use our garden hose to finish a tie-dye project they had done. Patrick saw our oddball cat, Lucy, in the window, and thought he'd tease her with a brisk hose spray on the window. It seemed as if he didn't even see Rose and I standing there right in front of him, and he gave Rose an ice cold blast of water right to the face. I immediately started to run to take Rosie inside to calm her and dry her, even before she started to scream, but not so fast that I didn't get to see his face melt from a mischevious grin into absolute horror as he realized what he'd done. Once I calmed Rose and we were both dry I laughed for an hour. Rose got her first shower! I think she may prefer tub baths for the rest of her life.
They also came by while I was putting her to bed. I heard a tiny little knock at the door, so soft I thought it was Lucy, but then the door softly opened and in tiptoed Patrick and Lindsay, whispering that they didn't want to disturb her. I laughed out loud and told them that one of the advantages to having a deaf child is that they could come through her room with a marching band and not disturb her!
One of you out there has said that you were sad that you couldn't talk to Rose on the phone. Well, to put your mind at ease, you most certainly WILL be able to, once she has her implant. Infact, if she chooses to, she will be able to use the ultimate in hands-free features, and connect the phone directly into her bionic ear. So don't worry about it. Just be patient. And we want lots of kiwi conversations for her. When she is learning to speak and hear english she will need to hear BOTH American and New Zealand accents. She will need LOTS of exposure to language! It's only 7 short months away, and didnt we just discuss how fast time goes by?
Now... be sure to check this out.
Wow! 5 months old. Amazing! Time has just flown by. Each day seems to go by in a flash.
Lately Rose has been teething pretty hard. She's scooting all around the floor. She's about 10 minutes from sitting up on her own. She's really into her toys. She's drinking bigger bottles. She's wearing the next size diaper. She's just all about growing. She's even starting to grow a bit of hair. Yes... we are headed to the end of her cueball days. Bald is beautiful, but really better suited to her Grandpa and her uncles (sorry, Patrick, but it's true.).
Speaking of Uncle Patrick, Rose has had a few funny run-ins with him lately. Patrick and his lovely bride, Lindsay came by a few days ago to use our garden hose to finish a tie-dye project they had done. Patrick saw our oddball cat, Lucy, in the window, and thought he'd tease her with a brisk hose spray on the window. It seemed as if he didn't even see Rose and I standing there right in front of him, and he gave Rose an ice cold blast of water right to the face. I immediately started to run to take Rosie inside to calm her and dry her, even before she started to scream, but not so fast that I didn't get to see his face melt from a mischevious grin into absolute horror as he realized what he'd done. Once I calmed Rose and we were both dry I laughed for an hour. Rose got her first shower! I think she may prefer tub baths for the rest of her life.
They also came by while I was putting her to bed. I heard a tiny little knock at the door, so soft I thought it was Lucy, but then the door softly opened and in tiptoed Patrick and Lindsay, whispering that they didn't want to disturb her. I laughed out loud and told them that one of the advantages to having a deaf child is that they could come through her room with a marching band and not disturb her!
One of you out there has said that you were sad that you couldn't talk to Rose on the phone. Well, to put your mind at ease, you most certainly WILL be able to, once she has her implant. Infact, if she chooses to, she will be able to use the ultimate in hands-free features, and connect the phone directly into her bionic ear. So don't worry about it. Just be patient. And we want lots of kiwi conversations for her. When she is learning to speak and hear english she will need to hear BOTH American and New Zealand accents. She will need LOTS of exposure to language! It's only 7 short months away, and didnt we just discuss how fast time goes by?
Now... be sure to check this out.