Hi everyone! Tiff here. Ben has created this wonderful spot for us to share our delightful Rose and her goings on. Rose is just a few days shy of being 5 months old, and every single day is an adventure for her, and for Ben and I as well.
Today, being father's day, Rose and I sat down together at the computer early this morning, while Ben slept in, and hit the paint program. She used the touch pad and I clicked the mouse button, and we painted a picture for Daddy.

She seemed to really enjoy herself.
Putting her to bed just now, and she is so cute in her yellow duckie jammies. I can't imagine not having her around.
All parents are overwhelmed by the love that they feel for their children, and as Rose is my second child (I've been Alex's mom for 18 years), it hasn't surprised me how much I love and adore her. What HAS surprised me is how familiar she is to us. her personality is so HUGE, but we both feel as though we've known her all our lives. It's wonderful and amazing to me. It's surprising how well we can read each other. We communicate beautifully. That is especially amazing considering her deafness. None of our communication is through sound at all, and yet its clear as a bell.
Rose is at a fun stage right now, and she has such strong opinions about things. She fascinates us. Right now she is trying to gain control over her hands and arms. If she sees something she wants sometimes her hands automaticly pop out to reach for it, but other times it takes total concentration. You can practically see her thinking "Move, arm! Move!". She is also into the eating process. She closely watches Ben and I when we are eating, following the fork with her eyes and chewing along with us.
She has recently discovered the location of her feet (or should I say 'rediscovered', as we saw her playing with them on ultrasound). She spends a lot of time lately playing with her feet and holding them out in front of herself and admiring them. A few times she has gotten upset while wearing footie jammies because she missed them. Once we unsnap the suit and set her legs free to be admired by all Rose comes to her senses and calms right down.
That's it for now.
Today, being father's day, Rose and I sat down together at the computer early this morning, while Ben slept in, and hit the paint program. She used the touch pad and I clicked the mouse button, and we painted a picture for Daddy.

She seemed to really enjoy herself.
Putting her to bed just now, and she is so cute in her yellow duckie jammies. I can't imagine not having her around.
All parents are overwhelmed by the love that they feel for their children, and as Rose is my second child (I've been Alex's mom for 18 years), it hasn't surprised me how much I love and adore her. What HAS surprised me is how familiar she is to us. her personality is so HUGE, but we both feel as though we've known her all our lives. It's wonderful and amazing to me. It's surprising how well we can read each other. We communicate beautifully. That is especially amazing considering her deafness. None of our communication is through sound at all, and yet its clear as a bell.
Rose is at a fun stage right now, and she has such strong opinions about things. She fascinates us. Right now she is trying to gain control over her hands and arms. If she sees something she wants sometimes her hands automaticly pop out to reach for it, but other times it takes total concentration. You can practically see her thinking "Move, arm! Move!". She is also into the eating process. She closely watches Ben and I when we are eating, following the fork with her eyes and chewing along with us.
She has recently discovered the location of her feet (or should I say 'rediscovered', as we saw her playing with them on ultrasound). She spends a lot of time lately playing with her feet and holding them out in front of herself and admiring them. A few times she has gotten upset while wearing footie jammies because she missed them. Once we unsnap the suit and set her legs free to be admired by all Rose comes to her senses and calms right down.
That's it for now.
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