It's Rose, cuter than God himself!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hi Everyone.

It's been a while since we've posted. Thought some fresh photos were in order.

Rose is doing just fine now. All better. No RSV, no nebulizer, incision is all healed, she's gained back some of the weight she lost, and she was healthy enough to get her shots today. Yippee! It's been a strange few weeks, but we are pretty much back to normal, and it's great!

Enjoy these new pics

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Rose, having a nice, relaxing read.

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We had a lovely warm spring like afternoon....

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... so we spent a while in the sunshine. Hard to believe we woke up to 4 inches of snow the next morning. That's Utah, I suppose.

More pics soon. Loves.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Quick post, updated with two new albums, one old, one new.

You can get mugs and mouse pads with Rose on them as well, among other things. Cool stuff!

I forgot to mention, the URL for the album is, feel free to share it. =)


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hello everyone! Ben here, with a new feature of the blog, a photo album!

If you look on the right side of the blog, you'll see a picture of Rose, a very, very happy picture. Either click on that, or the link below, and you'll find the album. I'll be uploading many more pics there than we do on the blog, because to many here slows the page loading, which is a no-no in web design. I will say when the album has been updated, even if its a one line post here.

Now, here is where you can help us! We can get a year of paid service for free, which means we can upload as many pics as we want, as many videos, and you guys can save the pics from the album.

What we need is for people to sign up, ten people to be exact. It is totally free, you won't be spammed, will take 5 minutes and make our Rose album much better. But don't run over yet, you need to sign up using an invite sent by us. So if you want to be a huge help to us, email me or Tiff and we'll send an invite out to you asap.

Another way is by buying prints from the site. Thats right, if you want an actual, physical photo of rose, you can order prints of anything in the album. But if anyone does decide you want to do this, give us a yell with what you want so we can put up a really good quality version of it.

So, there it is. Any help is much appreciated.
--Big loves, Ben, Tiff and Rose
Hello again. Happy Valentine's Day!

Just an update for you.

We took Rose in to her pediatrician for her one year check up and her shots, and things took an unexpected turn. Rose being Rose, and doing everything the hardest way possible, was apparently wheezing a fair bit when heard through a stethescope. The doctor thinks that Rose's cold is not just a cold, but RSV, and she sent us home with a nebulizer so we can give Rose breathing treatments every few hours. Rose HATES it, but we are making it work with a less than subtle mix of bribery (candy) and distraction (teletubbies). It's fifteen minutes of battle every time.

Rose seems to feel ok, though, and we'll go back shortly to check her breathing again and see if we can go ahead with her vaccinations. Her incision has really healed up well, and we are getting used to the big lump on her head where the implant sits. When her hair grows in it really will be invisible. She's certainly acting like herself again... into everything at once, and proud of it.

More soon. Loves.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hello all!

Rose wanted to wave to Max, or so we thought. Anyways, these are pics for Max! From Rose!

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Rose, happy to hear from Max.

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Rose, after refusing to wave. What have we learned? ...It pays to wave.

Much love

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hi all. Tiffany here.

I just wanted to update you all on Rosie. She's doing great. She has a big honkin' cold, but that's alright because it was the cause of the fever, not a wound infection, and it's the source of the coughing and stuffyness, not post-op pnumonia. So Ben and I are oddly happy that Rose has a nasty cold.

The swelling is pretty much gone, and the bruising seems to have hit it's peak. Her hair is even starting to grow back. Ben and I can see and really feel the implant. It's a bit creepy at the moment, but we'll get used to it, I'm sure. Rose feels it with her own hand and gets a curious look on her face. It certainly not causing her any pain, though, and that's a huge relief.

She's acting like herself again, other than having a cold. She's not eating all that well, but I think that's the cold as well. She does have a wicked case of cabin fever, and wants to go out and play, but I'm a bit nervous to take her out in public quite yet. I feel like I should wait till the tape comes off. She LOVES going shopping so much, and she misses it.

That's it. All is well, and we feel like we've achieved a huge goal. It's been a long, slow road to get her this implant, and it's a giant relief to have it. Now... we just can't wait till it gets activated! Loves to all.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Well, here's the promised photos.

I must warn you that a few of them are pretty graphic, and show the incision and a lot of swelling, but I will warn you before they appear. If you don't wish to see them, be carefull.

I will let Rose tell her story.

Here I am on the way to the hospital for my cochlear implant surgery. I have a brand new car seat that I got for my birthday. It's a cold morning outside, but I'm so stylish I create my own heat! ;)
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Daddy and I waited in this room while mommy registered me. There were an awful lot of other kids there for all different kinds of surgery.
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Then a nurse came and got us. She checked all of my vital signs and made sure I was healthy and strong.
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I put on the special hospital jammies. They were HUGE, but I wore them anyway. I like that this is a children's hospital because there is neat stuff to play with almost everywhere!
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Mommy and daddy went with me to a special playroom, and we waited for the surgeon to be ready. The anesthesiologist came and got me when it was time.
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A few hours later I woke up in mommy's arms with a great big bandage on my head. I had some apple juice and some cuddles and I was feeling much more awake.
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Just a little later I was feeling so much better. This is my big bandage. I saw it in a mirror and I think it looks so cool! My face is starting to get swollen on one side though.
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Soon it will be time for me to go to sleep for the night, so I am getting ready with my favorite book. I'm pretty tired, so sleeping in the big hospital crib won't be to much of a problem. Daddy and mommy brought me a few of my favorite things from home so I would be comfortable.
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The nurses who are taking care of me are so nice. I have flirted with them so much that now they all love me!
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Now I'm sound asleep for the night. Mommy is staying here in the room with me all night. Daddy is going home to get some good sleep so he can take care of me tomorrow.
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In the morning I got my big bandage taken off. The side of my head is really swollen, and it makes my ear stick out a whole lot! It's pretty funny. It looks like a satellite dish on the side of my head. I feel pretty good though.
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Here is what the incision looks like. It's pretty big, but it really doesn't hurt much. Most of the implant is tucked in under the middle of the big bald spot. The area is hugely swollen and starting to bruise, but that's normal. There are no stitches on the outside. Just this special tape. The tape has some blood soaked into it, which makes it all look worse than it is. The worst thing of all is that I just finally started to grow some hair, and they come along and shave it off! How Rude!
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This morning I didn't feel so good. Some of the medicine they gave me didn't agree with my tummy, and I ruined mommy's white shirt, but now I feel just fine. SEE! And I really like the nice people here, and the cool shiny purple floor!
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All of a sudden I started to have a fever! Oh, no. Mommy and I will have to stay here another night. Daddy is helping me to feel better though. This is the chair-bed that mommy will sleep in again. It's right next to my crib, so that I know she's right there if I need her.
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Uggh! I don't feel good. It seems that my lungs collapsed a little bit, and this fever is really high, my face is super swollen, and mostly I want to go home. It's nice here, but it's not home. I just don't feel good at all.
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Mommy and the nurse have been working at getting my fever down. I'm starting to feel a bit cooler, and I'm starting to feel like playing, but it's 4:00 in the morning! Oh, I stole this when the nurse wasn't looking.
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I might be a nurse when I grow up, too.
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Hey! Guess what? It's morning, and I finally get to go home! Yay! Home!
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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ben again, posting from home with Rose and Tiff.

Rose still has a fever that comes and goes, which is making her pretty unhappy. She is quiet as well, but all in all, she is doing well.

I'm looking at pics, and there will be a big post soon with a story of pictures. Pretty tired though, and there is a lot to go through. I do want to set up an album with a bunch of pics that anyone can access, just have to figure out how and where though.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Hey all, Ben here.

Rose went into surgery around noonish, was in for 2 hours, and came out without a hitch. It all went well, although she is looking pretty bad at the moment.

Tiff is staying the night with Rose, I'm going bad with supplies later. Its been a rough day for all of us, so, rest time for Ben.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Well, well, well! The time has finally come. Rose's surgery is just a few hours away. We met with the surgeon today, and Rose is the very picture of health, so it's a go! We are getting ready to go now, and will hopefully sleep tonight. Grandma Sandi is here to help us out.

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This is Rosie at her doctor visit today. We will take lots of pics as tomorrow goes on, but... it will prolly be a while before we will have the time to get them posted, so please, be patient with us.

Loves to all. Thank you for all of your good thoughts.