It's Rose, cuter than God himself!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hey all, happy halloween, Ben here....uh, boo.

Rose is all dressed up, trickers have been knocking, its all on.

Anyways, submitted for your approval, here are some pics from......the twilight zone....I mean the drive. It wasn't really anywhere near twilight, but it is kinda a zone, like a parking zone.

Its twilight now, that count?

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hi everyone, Tiff again.

Well, it's almost Halloween, so we are getting Rose ready for trick-or-treat. We thought we could use a bit of help deciding what she should be. We tried a few classic type costumes on her, and we'd love it if we could get an opinion from each of you out there.

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Alrighty then, let's hear it from all of you! What shall Rose be for Halloween? Hurry, now. There isn't much time!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Well, its Ben, long time no post, hehe.

Rose is all happy and full of fun/life/screams, and orange, very orange. The doc said its beta cartine, she actually noticed how orange she looked and asked us if she likes her orange foods...yes, yes she does. SO if Rose has a slight orange hue in any pics, adjust your monitor, she should be totally orange, and tinting things around her.

We got a package of wool tops for Rose from Grandma, thank you so much, and to Aunty Frances as well, they are looovely. Perfect timing as well, it snowed yesterday. Rose loves them, apparently they taste great.

Anyways, Hi all, Bye all, stay safe, big loves.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hi everyone.

Tiffany again.

Well, Ben is pretty much better, and Rose is headed that way. THANK HEAVENS! Just thought you'd like to know.

Today Rose is nine months old! Can you believe it? Teeth. Learning to crawl. Trying to pull herself to standing. Drinking from a sippy cup. Eating finger foods. Still bald as a cueball. Well, I thought all of that good stuff deserves a nice picture. Or a few, even. So, I tried. Rose was NOT very cooperative, but still, she's always cute.

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And this one just for kicks. She's all ready to go.

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See you soon. Maybe BEN will even manage to post something. *nudge, nudge*

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hello everybody,

Ben has been down with a nasty cold, and Rose seems to be coming down with it as well. They are cranky and demanding and a bit disgusting, so I thought I'd post a few cute pics, just to remind myself that they CAN be cute and loveable and wonderful. We've been saving a few photos that are adorable....well, it's time!

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That was pretty cute, with the bubble on the nose, but I think I can do better.

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Looking at the world upside down? Like father - like daughter.

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Splashing and playing (and no, I don't actually wash her with "comet"). That's pretty adorable.

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How about a bulging belly after dinner? Not cute enough yet? Well, get your insulin ready, because the next one is super sweet.

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I warned you! It's sooooo sweet. She's enjoying a lovely brown-eyed-susan that Ben picked for her while we were out on a nice autum walk. But the cutest of all....

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Oh, I feel so much happier now! How could I not? That is cute at it's maximum potential, at least as far as I'm concerned. I think I have to go hug Rose and Ben now that I remember how delightful they can be.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hi All!

Tiffany here.

Look what happens when I turn my back on Rose and our insane cat, Lucy.

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Rose and Lucy adore each other. Interesting, because Lucy doesn't really... well...she's just not the friendliest cat in the world. (In fact, "Lucy" is the feminine name for "Lucifer".)


Look what happens when I turn my back on Ben!

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Thought you all could use a laugh.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Rose is just fine. All better. Just a brief bout of bad tummy. She's back to her usual cute, noisy self.

We have a few newer pictures to share with you all.

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This is Rosie showing off her beautiful ruby slippers. They were a lovely gift, but this will be the last time I can squeeze them on her feet. But we will keep them so that, if she ever needs too, she can use them to find her way home.

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Beautiful bright eyes, huh?

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Once again, sleeping in her excersaucer.

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Rosie the Hutt! LOL! Yikes!

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A good morning to you all.

That's it for now. There are more to come very soon.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hey all, Ben here.

Rose is a little sick today, she had a little throwing spell this afternoon, and tonight she is not happy at all.

Seeing her firsts is so good, I love most of it, but its hard seeing her throwup for the first time, the pain and confusion on her little face, its heart breaking. I'm sure she will feel fine soon, but I donno who feels worse at the moment.

Anyways, just wanted to post and say hi, its been a while.