Well, Oh my goodness! It's been WAY too long since we've posted. My apologies. But we're here now, and what a week this has been!
Rose's Grandma Jennifer (who we are calling "Poppy", though we don't know why) has come all the way from New Zealand to Utah to visit! What a wonderful surprise! Ben and I have been saying for months that what Rose really needs is a grandma around, and now she has one for a while. Rose has totally fallen for Poppy, and they have been nearly inseparable.
Ben has really been enjoying Jen's visit, too, and not just because she brought heaps of his favorite kiwi foods. He's really enjoyed catching up on everything and everyone, and just plain having his Mum around. It's been wonderful for Ben (and I) to just stand back and watch as Rose and Jen bond, and have the opportunity to get to know a teensy bit about the other half of our family.

Here they are, Rose and her Poppy, together for the first time since Rose was just a month old. They are instant friends, and they remind me of a queen and a princess holding court.

Poppy is the only one who can out-shop our Rosie! This is one of many shopping trips there have been. Rose loves the mall!

On one shopping trip Poppy got a table and chairs for Rose, and the little tea set to go with it. They have been enjoying tea parties several times a day. It's ADORABLE!

We all went together to see the audiologist. Rose had fun with Mr. Potatohead's glasses, and Poppy got to go into the testing booth with her. I think she got to learn a bit more about how the implant is working. It's working very well, by the way. In fact (big news here!), Rose is now saying a word!!!! She says "Hi!"! It's so exciting. She's only done it a handful of times, but it's just a delight each and every time. I'm so glad that Jen was here to hear Rose's first word. It's really amazing how far she's come since receiving her implant. We feel so lucky!

Rose and Poppy have had all sorts of adventures already, and she'll be back with us in just a few days. We will just need to get lots of rest quickly, so we can keep up with her. We want to show her so much of Utah, although I'm not sure she sees anything but Rose.

Time to rest for us all.
Should be posting again soon. Lots of love to you all.