Hey all, Ben and Rose here. Sorry for the lack of updates, but to be honest we miss the comments and interest. Please leave comments and keep us posting about Rose!
Anyways, to the update! Rose is doing well, she is walking everywhere now and is just toddling around for the fun of it. She is doing better and better with the implant, although Tiff and I need to be better about making her wear it. My goal is her talking, it is a long, long way off but that is what keeps me going. She communicates really well right now, just without words. She can tell us in no uncertain terms if she wants something, doesn't want something, is unhappy with something, amused, knows its wrong, right, weird.
She is very smart, it surprises Tiff and I sometimes. She will sit with something and explore its every detail. She will learn its secrets and rejoice in the knowledge. She has a thirst for new things, both physical and....knowning...able. She *loves* books and will sit for ages with them. She turns the pages and touches the pictures, exploring every detail. If anyone sends Rose gifts, throw a book in there, the more detail the better, Wheres Wally/Waldo would be perfect. It is amazing to watch her discover things, to see the wheels turning. There is so many things about Rose that Tiff and I appreciate and are grateful for, this is another of them.
We want to get her playing with other kids more, but all the play groups we find are full or to far away. It is frustraiting because she *needs* the interaction, and she absolutely loves other kids. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
Tiff went to Walmart the other day for nappies, although I usually go with her this time I stayed back. Well, she came home with a baby pool and bikini for Rose! She developed an aversion to water a little while back, but Tiff knew what she was doing, I haven't regretted marrying an older woman once and wouldn't have it any other way. Anyways, Rose loves the pool, loves loves loves it. And although we've been having camera problems(put fresh batteries in and they are flat in 5 minutes, even if its not turned on) Tiff took some great pics. So here they are, all taken by Tiff, damn nice too.

Big loves from Rose, Tiff and Ben. Talk to us people, we need the support!
Anyways, to the update! Rose is doing well, she is walking everywhere now and is just toddling around for the fun of it. She is doing better and better with the implant, although Tiff and I need to be better about making her wear it. My goal is her talking, it is a long, long way off but that is what keeps me going. She communicates really well right now, just without words. She can tell us in no uncertain terms if she wants something, doesn't want something, is unhappy with something, amused, knows its wrong, right, weird.
She is very smart, it surprises Tiff and I sometimes. She will sit with something and explore its every detail. She will learn its secrets and rejoice in the knowledge. She has a thirst for new things, both physical and....knowning...able. She *loves* books and will sit for ages with them. She turns the pages and touches the pictures, exploring every detail. If anyone sends Rose gifts, throw a book in there, the more detail the better, Wheres Wally/Waldo would be perfect. It is amazing to watch her discover things, to see the wheels turning. There is so many things about Rose that Tiff and I appreciate and are grateful for, this is another of them.
We want to get her playing with other kids more, but all the play groups we find are full or to far away. It is frustraiting because she *needs* the interaction, and she absolutely loves other kids. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
Tiff went to Walmart the other day for nappies, although I usually go with her this time I stayed back. Well, she came home with a baby pool and bikini for Rose! She developed an aversion to water a little while back, but Tiff knew what she was doing, I haven't regretted marrying an older woman once and wouldn't have it any other way. Anyways, Rose loves the pool, loves loves loves it. And although we've been having camera problems(put fresh batteries in and they are flat in 5 minutes, even if its not turned on) Tiff took some great pics. So here they are, all taken by Tiff, damn nice too.

Big loves from Rose, Tiff and Ben. Talk to us people, we need the support!