It's Rose, cuter than God himself!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving! We certainly had a happy one. Rose helped me with the cooking, but now that it's all done, where is she to help clean up? Well, fast asleep, of course! And why shouldn't she be? I wish I was. Ben wishes he was. Maybe it's the triptophan from the turkey, but it seems it's going to be an early bedtime for us.

It was nice to have so many people gathered around our table. Rose was pretty impressed by it all, and took advantage of the situation by putting on a bit of a show for us all. She wasn't really interested in her dinner much, though, and opted instead for her newest favorite food... cheese.

She's been doing great with the signing. I think she's really realized that all of that hand moving means stuff, and she's really soaking it in. She suddenly seems to be adding a new sign to her vocabulary every couple of days. She also babbles as all babies do, but by waving her hands around. It's really pretty cool! You can almost SEE her learning.

Allright, I know you are all waiting for pictures and would really rather I shut up already, so...

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Rose is going to help me make pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving!

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I think she's checking the recipe.

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Now, I think she's channeling Julia Childs.

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Add a pinch of this and a dash of that.

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All Done! I think she's pretty pleased. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.


  • At 11:50 AM, November 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cute photos. Believe it or not but here in Rotovegas we went to a Thanks Giving dinner. Had turkey and pumpkin pie, lovley evening had by all.


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