Hi Everybody!
It's Tiffany again. Well, Rose has a cold again, and Ben is hobbling around on a broken toe. But Grandma came all the way from Phoenix for a nice visit with her Rosie and that was lovely. It's been a long time.
It's been a beautiful fall, and we are starting to get ready for winter around here. Anyway... I guess this stuff is pretty boring.
Our first visit with the surgeon that will do Rose's implants is coming up in a few days. We are very anxious! The only problem that we can possibly see is that Rosie's head is so small. She's such a teeny-tiny little thing. But, the surgeon will make that decision, I suppose. In the meantime, Rose is signing more and more. She is SO visual, and she just sees everything. That girl doesn't miss a beat!
I have more video for you that Ben shot. YAY! Video!
Rose has taken to feeding herself, for the most part, but it isn't pretty!
We were given a playpen from someone on freecycle. We needed it so much! Rose digs it, but we've taken to calling her "Netlicker".
That's all I have for today. Loves to all!
It's Tiffany again. Well, Rose has a cold again, and Ben is hobbling around on a broken toe. But Grandma came all the way from Phoenix for a nice visit with her Rosie and that was lovely. It's been a long time.
It's been a beautiful fall, and we are starting to get ready for winter around here. Anyway... I guess this stuff is pretty boring.
Our first visit with the surgeon that will do Rose's implants is coming up in a few days. We are very anxious! The only problem that we can possibly see is that Rosie's head is so small. She's such a teeny-tiny little thing. But, the surgeon will make that decision, I suppose. In the meantime, Rose is signing more and more. She is SO visual, and she just sees everything. That girl doesn't miss a beat!
I have more video for you that Ben shot. YAY! Video!
Rose has taken to feeding herself, for the most part, but it isn't pretty!
We were given a playpen from someone on freecycle. We needed it so much! Rose digs it, but we've taken to calling her "Netlicker".
That's all I have for today. Loves to all!
At 1:18 AM, November 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Great to see video again. sorry to hear about Bens broken toe, how did he do that?
You say about Rose small head, it is just amazing what Surgeons can do these days.
Good luck and keep us posted
Cheers from Rotovegas
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